Northshore Jewish Congregation to resume in-person visits next week; virtual opportunities listed
The Northshore Jewish Congregation (NJC), suffered only minor damages from Hurricane Ida last Sunday and Monday. However, at last report, it is still without power.
In the interim, Anna Schwartz, the president of Temple Adath Joseph in St. Louis, MO., has graciously offered to have the NJC congregation attend their services virtually.
Their Rosh Hashanah Schedule is a follows:
Monday, September 6 – 7:30 p.m. – Erev Rosh Hashanah
Tuesday, September 7, 10:00 a.m. – Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, September 15, 7:30 p.m. – Kol Nidre
NJC Vice President, Rachel Giarraputo can forward a Zoom link or phone number to call in to listen.
Additionally, end users can message the NJC main page
Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels, the Emeritus Rabbi of NJC is scheduled to broadcast services from Beth Shir Shalom in California. Their services begin two hours later at 9:30 p.m. CDT.
NJC will hold Tashlich services on Tuesday, September 7 at 4:00 p.m. on the Mandeville lakefront (weather permitting). The service will be lay-led by Roberta Torman. Congregants in masks (mandatory) will meet on Lakeshore Dr. between Carroll and Lafitte Streets. Chairs and/or blankets are suggested in addition to bread.
An email message from the NJC read: “Our synagogue sustained only roof damage (wind related, not trees), and we feel ready to host you all in person this coming Friday. We plan on having Shabbat Shuvah services at NJC on Friday, September 10th at 7:30pm, led by Roberta Torman and Ellen Steigman. Masking is mandatory.”
“As for Yom Kippur, we currently plan to hold in-person services with Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels from Temple Beth Shir Shalom in California. We will share a welcome video from Rabbi Neil with you all on our Facebook page soon.”
The message indicated congregants should check the NJC’s Facebook and website pages for more immediate updates.