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Limmudfest New Orleans registration opens

The third bi-annual LimmudFest New Orleans, a Jewish cultural learning experience that crosses all relational branches of accepted Jewish faith and practice, has expanded to a three-day event and will be held Fri., March 7 through Sun., March 9, according to event organizer Gail Chalew and steering team member Barbara Kaplinsky.

The event begins Friday with registration at 5:00 pm at Temple Sinai, and ends Sunday at 5:00 pm at the Lavin-Bernick Center on Tulane University’s campus.

Participants have the choice of attending all three days or, if they prefer, may attend after the Havdalah service on Saturday evening before enjoying the cultural programming that night, and all of the Sunday sessions.

Kaplinksy stated that most of the schedule is already fixed and that nine different tracks with more than 75 classes over the course of the three days will be available for participants interested in Jewish learning.

For both the three-day or two-day options the fee of $50.00-$75.00 will cover all kosher meals and snacks and allows participants to attend as many sessions as they prefer. However, prices will increase after February 28, so interested parties should register early at the Limmud New Orleans website.

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