Wednesday, May 1st 2024   |

The Frog Who Came To Seder



One night while attending seder

At my Bubbie Radlauer’s place,

I was astounded to hear a rapping

Coming from the Pesach plates.


I opened up the cupboard

To see what I could see.

It was then a bright green frog

Peered out, to take a look at me.


“Don’t be afraid,” the frog spoke

“I need you to be calm.

“Take me to your seder, now.”

He jumped into my palm.


I held the frog with tenderness

As if he were my prize.

“I think you all should gird yourselves

You won’t believe your eyes.”


My Bubbie Radlauer gave out a shriek

The others guests followed suit.

“This frog can speak. I kid you not.

He refuses to be mute.”


But the frog just peered at me

And never said a word.

Bubbie and her seder guests

Thought I was just absurd.


“Get that meeskite out of here!”

Bubbie Radlauer snorted.

As I ran back to the pantry.

“Yes, I will.” I retorted!


To say the very least,

I was embarrassed and confused.

I spoke again and told him

That I was not amused.


“I only told you to take me there;

I never said I’d speak.”

I’m much too shy to say a word.”

Was all this frog could screak.


“They think I’m crazy.

They think I’m nuts!

They think I’m a nudnik

They think I’m a putz!”


“How long will it take

For you to convince each guest

 That you’re the real deal,

That you’re not just a pest?”


He answered me quickly

With the greatest of taste

He answered me succinctly

In a fashion of haste.


“I’m a Passover frog,

Or didn’t you surmise?

It takes 18 minutes

In order for me to rise.


You’ll have to convince

Them that you are sincere

But give me a chance

Before they can sneer.”


So back to the seder

I stealthily crept

Holding onto the frog

I gingerly stepped.


“Now, friends and family,”

I did carefully state.

“If you just give me time,

You will see something great.


Like matzah, this frog

Of diminutive size

Takes 18 minutes

In order to rise.”


So, for 18 minutes

Not a word was uttered

We waited patiently

Until the frog muttered:


“Sometimes it takes faith,”

Said the frog with a wink.

“Sometimes the world

Is not what you think.”


But you waited for me,

An amphibian, to speak.

This was not expected

It was not what you’d seek.


But like waiting for the Messiah

You must believe he’ll arrive.

Just like God freed our people

We persevere and survive.


Tonight we celebrate freedom

Without any exception.

Tonight as a people

We recognize redemption.


So, before I hop off

Into the dark night

I leave you with this,

A message that’s bright.


Hold onto your faith

When you find it hard to believe

This world has much more

Than what you can conceive.”


©2023 Alan Smason


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